Heartfull Meditation Centering the Mind with Savitri

Meditation to Cure Loneliness

Savitri taught a beautiful Heartfull® Meditation workshop at the NW Yoga Conference last month. The focus was on conquering loneliness by tapping into the “Master Chakra” in our hearts. One of the workshop participants, Jacqueline Quattrocchi, wrote an article about the experience, including the technique called “Mental Centering.”

Check out the full article here, with a preview posted below!

Excerpt from Peaceful Dumpling

So what can you do to turn inward and explore the beautiful feeling of accessing your heart–your “Soul Energy” as Savitri describes? First, Savitri suggests that physical, mental and emotional pain are alarm systems created by the body to warn you that your soul is not guiding your life story. Savitri says to look at these alarms as “blessings” and appreciate them, so that we can better understand what feelings such as depression, loneliness, hate, anger and jealousy are telling us. All pain and these negative feelings are the universe indicating to us that we are going off course.

Second, we can practice heart-centered activities. As we commemorate the start of spring, we can direct our attention to the element of wood while cultivating heart-centered activities such as nurturing blooms, family, and friends through picnics and other activities. We can invite the spirit of spring into our homes as we open blinds and bring in light.

Finally, we can spend a few minutes of each day practicing the following meditation technique called Mental Centering™ created by Savitri. She has generously shared her Heartfull® Meditation with Peaceful Dumpling.


Eyes Closed

Sit erect with your eyes closed. With the middle finger of each hand touching the front of each armpit, trace a horizontal line to the center of your chest. With the middle finger of your right hand touching your skin, you will feel a sensitive area on your sternum. Massage gently for a few minutes. This is your Heart Chakra, the doorway to your Soul. Imagine light glowing lovingly in your Heart Chakra.

Hand Placements

Next, place your hands with the sides of your fingers together, slightly cupped, on the right and left sides of your head, facing your ears. Your hands should be approximately three inches away from your head.


Exhaling, move your hands forward and together in Namasté, not more than one inch away from your face, with the tips of your thumbs at the same level as your eyebrows.

Mental Centering Technique

4. Inhale. On the next exhalation, move your hands down slowly to your Heart Chakra. As you do this, imagine your mind following a straight line in the center of your body, and offer your mind to your heart.

5. Say inwardly, “I offer my mind and senses to my loving Soul within.”

Do this technique three or more times and breathe slowly and peacefully. Benefits: Increases pratyāhāra (withdrawal of the senses), concentration and focus, enhances intuition, self-love, and respect while awakening your conscience. The increased awareness of your Soul’s presence brings calmness to your mind and body.

Notice that at the end of this technique, your hands end up in Namasté. Savitri explains that when this mudra is taken, your mind withdraws its ego perception of others and returns to the Soul self. Her suggestion is to do Mental Centering as often as you need throughout the day.

© Copyright 2022 Heartfull® Meditation and technique trademarked by Savitri.

Learn More About Heartfull Meditation

Savitri is the creator of Heartfull® Meditation & the Align and Shine Snack Techniques. After the horrifying events of her life, including her parents death in a plane crash when she was 16 and her sisters murder shortly after, she dove deep within to get answers. Since the 1980s she discovered the techniques that saved her life, and has been teaching these techniques to others in need. She teaches classes on the evolution of the mind through logical active meditation methods available to all. These unique techniques can only be taught by certified Heartfull Meditation teachers who have studied under Savitri directly. Savitri is also the co-founder of the Heartfull World Foundation, co-owner of the Alive & Shine Yoga Space and teaches rare online workshops.

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