Heartfull Meditation – Meditation and Beyond with Savitri

Your Relationship With Yourself: Me, Myself and I. The Mind, Body and Spirit Connection.

To sign-up go to: www.aliveandshinecenter.com or call 425-746-7476

The primary source of your struggles is a disconnected relationship with yourself. Heartfull Meditation and the unique Align and Shine Snack Meditation Techniques will align you with your intuition to make better decisions and help you shine to expand you heart’s dreams.  Learn quick, easy and logical meditation techniques to connect with your heart. Align and Shine Snacks are based on the natural laws of how energy flows in and around your body, to create a beautiful relationship with your true self. The Shine Snacks came to Savitri through prayer for her own personal growth and healing when she was fatally ill in her youth.  She has been practicing the Shine Snacks for over 30 years.  They are unique, taught all over the world and used by thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds to transform their lives to their true heart’s purpose. These simple yet powerful and effective techniques can even be practiced by a 2 year-old! Practice these 1-3 minute techniques often throughout the day to stay centered and heartfull! This course includes meditations, lectures, discussions and philosophy to deepen your understanding of who you are and why you were given the gift of life.  It’s your time to shine!

Go from:
• Overwhelmed and frustrated   – to Calm
• Exhausted  –  to Energized
• Scared, unsafe  –  to Protected
• Unloved  –  to Self-Love
• Foggy mind  –  to Clear and bright
• Hopeless, bored, no purpose or direction in your life  – to Intuitive guidance
• Depressed or stressed  –  to Happy and grateful
• Helpless  –  to Heart’s dreams coming true

In addition, Align and Shine Meditation Snacks help you to:

  1. Develop a focused, clear and centered mind anytime.
  2. Open your heart and feel loved anywhere.
  3. Access unlimited balanced energy to feel more alive all day.
  4. Feel safe and protected in any situation.
  5. Awaken your intuition to help you make better decisions.
  6. Create a positive energy ball to hold and expand your heart’s dreams from imagination to reality.
  7. Align the mind, body and Spirit to make you feel whole and at home in your body.
  8. Find true balanced health and happiness.